Monday, November 2, 2020

[Youtube] More comments on Baekhyun's 'Candy' performance at INK Incheon K-POP Concert

Youtube: BAEKHYUN, Candy (백현, Candy) [INK Incheon K-POP Concert]

- This 'Candy' stage is really the legend of idols. He did so fcking good.

- Is he a real swimmer? Why is his breath that long? It's just hard though...

- How can you think that it was not live? I can hear all of his breathing.
> Because it is so legendary to the extent that they can't believe that it was live.

- His face, his dance, and even his expression at the ending are all perfect!!

- I think this is the first time I have seen such a singer with perfect live performance while dancing hard... Woah. Baekhyun's skills are the best.

- His live is f*cking amazing... I can hear his voice very clearly as if it was MR Removed. He was dancing like that, but his breathing was so stable. He wasn't even shaking.

- No...I have heard this oppa's live performance a lot. But I'm still surprised over and over again. He is so stable.

- I don't get bored no matter how many time I listen to 'Candy'... I'm looking forward to his third album. Why does he look like in 'MAMA' era? Seriously, Baekhyun, do you even age?

- Baekhyun is swimming on stage... Is he a swimmer? He's just so...

- He dances so hard but he's really good at live singing. I can hear all of his breathing, but he was not out of tune. His voice volume was insane.

- If I became a male idol, seriously, I wanted to born like Baekhyun. The further he goes, the better he is.

- If I dreamt of being an idol singer, my role model would be Baekhyun no matter what. Singing, dancing, and performing, all three are perfect.

- What makes me feel goosebumps is that he performed this stage after 3 stages. His lung capacity and stamina is at the level of a swimmer... His live quality is insane. Does it even make sense?

- Baekhyun-ah, people don't believe it was live. Well, I think it's okay even you would make a mistake next time. Live singing genius Byun Baekhyun.

- I think 'Candy' is a song that is going to last forever among male idols. Where else would we find another song that has all these gentle and beautiful words, he will adjust himself to match you and ask you to look at him?

- I'm not a Baekhyun's fan, but I came to listen to 'Candy' live no matter what. He did so well that I feel so satisfied.



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