Thursday, October 29, 2020

[Instiz/Theqoo] Baekhyun responded to a malicious post that was said to be from an acquaintance of him

Instiz 1

Summary: Yesterday someone posted a malicious post mentioning Baekhyun and Chanyeol on Instagram and was said to be an acquaintance of Baekhyun and Chanyeol. The post only had 6 likes and when it hadn't been spread anywhere else, the screenshot of that post was first posted on 여연갤 (Female Celerity Gallery/a site where there are many fake rumors are made). Then it was spread out and when it was posted on Instiz, there was no proof and and everyone was going crazy asking why Baekhyun was dragged into this. At that time, they started to believe it and said it wasn't fake, which made fans to shut up. Then, at dawn, the post was taken down, and the account was deleted. Then Baekhyun just tweeted about it.

- He is so cool.

- It is so satisfied to see.

- There aren't any celebrities or friends (of BH) as their mutuals though.

- But what were they thinking to write such a fake post... and what's with people who bash Baekhyun because of it? People are weird.

- He is so cool. Those who told us to shut up yesterday, come out and apologize.

- I saw it yesterday and I thought people would ignore it and wouldn't leave any comments because there was no proof. But I remember there were a lot of comments telling others to shut up, where are those now?

- It is so satisfied to see. He is so cool and awesome.

- I didn't even expect he would come out to say that. He's great.

- I wasn't comfortable when I saw fans being upset for the whole night. He is so cool. I'm satisfied.

- No.... may I laugh? Baekhyun-nim responded delightfully with his official account. This is my first time seeing such a respond like that.

- It broke my heart that he had to see such a thing.

- He cheerfully refutes such a post that could make him feel bad just to make fans not to be worried.

- It is so nice of Baekhyun-nim that he tells his fans that it isn't something you guys should worry about.

- They faked that? Don't they have anything else to do?

- Fans kept saying that it was fake, it was fake until early morning. He is so cool.

- I don't know why they believed it in the first place. I can't understand.

- I'm not a fan but he is so cool.

Instiz 2: Crazy Baekhyun's tweet

- Wow Baekhyun is the best. Those who crossed the line yesterday, come out!

- Don't mess with Baekhyun.

- He is so cool. Sue them. They have been making so many rumors.

- So cool of him. There were so many dragging him yesterday.

- I just saw Baekhyun-nim's tweet and he is so cool.

- Baekhyun is deserved to be loved for a long time.

- Wow his sense is daebak.

- I'm not a fan but he is a legend. It's so satisfied to see.

- He is so cool and cute.

- It broke my heart but he is so cool. Please file a lawsuit.

- His feedback is a wall. His sense is daebak.

- Woah I'm not a fan but yesterday it was like they all confirmed it was true. It is so cool of him to say it himself.

- It was  satisfied to see at first but now I'm crying. Sorry that you have to see all these.

- Not a fan but as expected of Baekhyun.


- I really like Baekhyun's personality.

- No, Baekhyun hasn't done anything wrong though.

- As expected of Baekhyun, no turning back.

- Baekhyun is a real idol. I'm really not a fan, but I can feel he tried to pass it on like a joke.

- What a brilliant explanation of Baekhyun.

- He has a good sense of humor.

- Baekhyun always makes his fans feel relieved. 

- Byun Baekhyun is so fcking cute.

- I like Baekhyun so much. I think this is when idol is such an extremely hard job. He speaks up because he thinks about his fans.

- As soon as I saw his tweet, I thought he was so witty. No, Baekhyun isn't even the person directly involved but you guys asked him to explain like "Hello, I'm Baekhyun... bla bla bla"???

- I see why Baekhyun is so popular.

- This is the first time I got to know Baekhyun's way of speaking but he is so funny. He is cute.

- Feedback is fast. I think it would be good to be a fan of Baekhyun.

- I can feel Baekhyun's popularity here. He's a victim, but he's being dragged until the end. 

- I feel so sorry for Baekhyun. He is nice.

- The reason why Baekhyun is popular can be seen right away... He is cool.

- The conclusion is it wasn't his acquaintance but Baekhyun and his fans are bashed for no reason.

- Baekhyun. I'm a fan of another artist but I cheer for him.

- I'm really fond of Baekhyun. He is the idol I like the most aside from my bias.

- I really have a good impression on Baekhyun. I'm a fan of another artist, but it is so cool of him to give an explanation.

- I'm a fan of another artist and I have no interest in EXO, but I guess Baekhyun thinks about his fans a lot. How grateful they would be when speaks up like that.

- The more I see him, the cuter and witty he is. I'm laughing because of Baekhyun today.

- Baekhyun is cool!! He makes the fans feel better. 

- I'm not even a fan but Baekhyun is cool. He is so witty.



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