Tuesday, September 29, 2020

[Instiz] Baekhyun's Million seller poem and how witty and considerate he is when asked about others' secrets

Instiz 1: The three-syllable poem that only Baekhyun can do. This is what real grounded confidence is called

Byun: Byun Baekhyun
Baek: Million seller singer
Hyun: Currently, a singer that has sold many as a soloist

- Wow daebak.

- Byun Baekhyun is the best.

- For real only Baekhyun can do that poem.

- That's awesome.

Instiz 2It's cool of Baekhyun that he doesn't think of other people's secrets as a weapon

When asked about other dongsaengs' secrets, Baekhyun said there was none and talked about his secret instead. I'm touched by Baekhyun once again.

Baekhyun: They aren't friends who do broadcast while covering themselves up, so I'm going to tell a secret of mine. I started drinking tea recently. It's called tea ceremony.  

- Baekhyun-nim, I was so touched. I was watching and I was like "What kind of question is that?" but he was so witty, so I really liked it.

- That's the right thing to do! That's good, Baekhyun.

- Insane. How witty he is!

- You're right. If getting that kind of question, there would be people just telling secrets, so I don't like that kind of question, but I think he answered well.

- There is a saying "(Do/talk) Like Baekhyun", it's accurate.

- He's so considerate and witty. Thank you so much for adoring our babies. Really.



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