Tuesday, June 30, 2020

[Theqoo] Baekhyun found out IU singing "UN Village"

Theqoo: Baekhyun found out IU singing his song

Tweet: IU-nim sang Baekhyunie's "UN Village"
Baekhyun: Soo-yah!! Soo sang my song!


- Reading it in the way Prince Wangeun speaks kekeke he is cute.

- They both are cute.

- She sings well.

- I can hear the way Eunie speaks.

- IU's voice color is insane.

- I got to know the song because IU sang it. I keep listening to it after that. The song is good.

- Please have a collaboration.

- They finally followed each other after years.

- I like "Moon Lovers" team.

- Please have a collaboration. You two did a drama together though.

- Every time I see Baekhyun's posts, he is really cute.

- Heol I like the song freaking much.



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