Sunday, June 28, 2020

[Melon] "Poppin'' - Baekhyun

Melon: "Poppin'' - Baekhyun

[+320] This song is the best... it brings the feeling of "Betcha"'s follow-up song... Kenzie-unnie is a trust-to-listen.

[+266] From a hardcore fan of "Betcha", I became a hardcore fan of "Poppin".

[+240] It's like having sseom (not quite dating) with "Betcha" to becoming a real couple with "Poppin".

[+118] This is crazy. The second "Betcha" goes crazy. I love it so freaking much. I'm a fan of another artist but I think I'm going to be your fan, Baekhyun-ah!

[+108] This song is made by people who made "Betcha". There is that unique snap of "Betcha" in there. I like it.

[+93] Baekhyun-ah, you are the genre.

[+85] Love you, Kenzie-unnie. I got to know how much you adore Baekhyun.

[+67] This song has a similar vibe to "Betcha".

[+57] His powerful voice is crazy when he sings the "Poppin" part.

[+46] I'm a fan of another artist but because the song is so ridiculously good that I keep listening to it at dawn. As if I would become his fan because of his music.

[+37] I got to listen to the song by chance at a coffee shop, and I like it so much that I came to search for it. This is a song that makes me feel better.

[+35] I'm a fan of another artist, so I don't know this well... what is Betcha? I like "Popping" the most in this album. It was insane. Baekhyun is a must listen.

[+35] When it is the part "Here now here now", I think there should be a singing-along. If he has a solo concert, we will sing along to this part.

[+33] This song is really genuine... Baekhyun's voice that is in between a boy and a young man fits so well with this refreshing song. I really want to listen to it while driving. I was like the lyrics are good, then I just saw Kenzie...



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