Friday, May 29, 2020

[Melon] "Bungee" - Baekhyun

Melon: "Bungee" - Baekhyun

[+434] I think it was still great if "Candy" and "Bungee" are double titles.

[+329] If you listen to the intro, you will know right away that this is the best song in this album.

[+257] I'm a passing-by muggle. As you expected, the song is amazing. I downloaded it as soon as I heard it.

[+201] Heol it was crazy. The song is so good.

[+191] Honestly, those who got goosebumps from the intro come out quickly. Everyone has Baekhyun in their hearts, right? You're crazy about his voice color, right? Everyone

[+167] Woah it's like "Stay Up", no, I just say it is so good.

[+150] First of all, listen to it, muggles! you guys like this kind of song, don't you?

[+111] Why does Baekhyun only release my favorite songs?

[+109] Woah I'm a fan of another singer but his new album is freaking cool. I love this song the most. The tittle song is also good but this song could be really a public's pick.

[+107] This song is so good. Baekhyun's voice is awesome.

[+98] Ah I was waiting for this song and it is really so good that I cried.

[+68] I have never seen anyone releasing such a high quality b-side track like this except for my idol. Byun Baekhyun, hwaiting.

[+68] They have to give the intro of "Bungee" the award "Intro of The Year"

[+55] His voice color is no joke.

[+54] I saved it to my playlist as soon as I heard the first line. The song is my cup of tea.

[+52] There is a line "I will be violet" in the lyrics. Does it mean that the red heart mixes with the blue in the partner's eyes and turns purple? If it's right, that's a pretty expression.



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