Thursday, March 5, 2020

[Pann] Impressive stories about Baekhyun from ordinary people


Pann: It seems impressive stories about Baekhyun from ordinary people keep coming out

1. The recent flight attendant story.
2. The story about someone saw white-hair Baekhyun reading a fan letter on plane.

[+92] The signature of the first photo is daebak. Usually they can just sign and go, but he even wrote her to be careful with Corona and kind of safe flight.

[+69] He's well behaved and nice.

[+36] Even though I have known Baekhyun for 7 years, I think he always has something new and he have gotten better and better. I wonder in this life of mine whether there will be another person whom I still like and trust like this though he doesn't even know how I look like. His gap is so big that he is really charming and he treats fans very well. The more I fell for him, the more genuine he is.

[+31] I hope people know Baekhyun is this sort of person.

[+15] He is kind, Baekhyun.

[+10] He has been in the 9th year of his career and there are still only good stories posted about him. People who say his personality isn't good and bash him are pathetic. Before debut and even during his school days, there are only stories about people having a crush on him, and how he was a kid with nice personality though.

[+10] Baekhyun is really my love.



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