Monday, July 15, 2019

[Theqoo] Baekhyun’s first week sales until the 6th day is 355,066 copies

Theqoo: Baekhyun’s first week sales until the 6th day is 355,066 copies

- He is still the same like before. He sold 350,000 copies.

- EXO is EXO.

- I heard his preorders are 400,000 copies, so he almost sold all of them in the first week.

- Woah insane.

- Crazy. Baekhyun is so strong.

- Baekhyun-ah, sorry… my bank account is empty, so I can't go to fansign.

- EXBangHyun.

- Baekhyun is Baekhyun for a reason.

- He is such a wall.

- Without any fansign woah

- Woah he alone sold almost 400,000 copies.

- As expected of Baekhyun. Amazing.

- Such a pity that fansign application happens on the last day of first week sales. Baekhyun-ah, congrats.

- That’s a lot.



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