Thursday, November 13, 2014

[Fanacc] 141113 Baekhyun - TLP in Fukuoka Day 3

Tao forget the sentence that will he would say in Japanese language so baekhyun helped him with whispered to him [bee_nini-twinsehuns]

Lay: Baekhyun, what if something is unfortunate?
Baekhyun: Kkaebsong [920506x940412]

During BBDC, Baekhyun didn’t go up the stage that was rasing because he was so engrossed in singing. Everyone was panicking and kept calling for Baekhyun. After awhile, he turned and looked. Baekhyun’s initial expression was sad (could because of the song) but switch to an expression that seem to see “Do not be nervous, it’s okay it’s okay”. The OP said his expression was so cute [baekleficent]

During the car talk yst, Chanyeol said “ye~” & Baek said “ye~” while shaking his butt cutely. [lovelyb_0506]

Chanyeol and Baekhyun were MC today. Chanyeol pressed the lock button until it sounded bip. But the car didn’t come out. Then Baekhyun said “What is it?” in Jap, then Baekhyun tried but the car was still not out and he said “What is it?” again. [twinsehuns]

Baekhyun: it was so fun today i want to write it down in a diary!
Kai: liar ive never seen you write down anything Baekhyun: youre right [wildhoney_b]

Tao: I say we are
Fans: one! we are one
Tao: louder! louder!
Baekhyun(imitating tao): louder! Louder [exospy]

Today Kai said that Baekhyun’s butt was cute. Then Baekhyun went back to his position and shook his butt even more. [baekleficent]

During Peterpan, Kai was going to the main stage, Baekhyun went to the sub stage then he pat Kai’s butt [baekleficent]

Baekhyun: I have something to say but it is not related to the concert, i think translators are so awesome, Korean, Chinese and even Japanese.
Fans: *claps*
Baekhyun: Ey hey la di ya~~~


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