Wednesday, November 12, 2014

[Fanacc] 141112 Baekhyun - TLP in Fukuoka Day 2

Baekhyun said “Masaka” (means No Way!) [XIUMINMIN-exokiss88]

Baekhyun’s Japanese is so good [twinsehuns]

During Baby Dont Cry everyone was serious except Baekhyun. He greeted & waved to the fans. He was excited. [baek_loves]

At the end of Overdose, D.o. & Kai put their arm in shoulder each other when walking to backstage while Baek keep greeting the fans [twinsehuns]

Baekhyun like a little puppy tonight [an_jully]

Baek: say ggaeb~ say ggaebggaeb & yeol did beatbox ggaebggaerapggaebggaek?

B: gggaaaggaaagaaa Fans: psong~ B: Dame yo Fans: Dame Dame (cannot, cannot) [baekleficent]

Baekhyun and Chen ment before machine performance. they are cute! [baek_l_jpn]

Tao said “minasan”(everybody) in Jap & got stuck then look at b for help, Baekhyun whispered and taught him how to say ILU~ [baekleficent]

The OP sat near the stage, held a handmade fan saying: “give me a kiss” in krn, Baekhyun saw and then gave her a flying kiss. [baekleficent]

When Chanyeol and Kai used the snow spray to form a heart shape, Baekhyun walked to Chanyeol’s sides and used the snow spray to destroy ChanKai’s heart shape. Chanyeol draged over Baekhyun’s shou;der and two of them made a heart shape [greedyeol]

Baekhyun touched Xiumin’s nipples again and pointed it to fans and he announced that “Only me can touch this”, the he touched it again. [Xiugasm]


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