Friday, July 21, 2023

[YouTube] Baekhyun got praises on his performance on Killing Voice

Youtube: It's obvious that Baekhyun's singing style has changed. 2012 MAMA vs 2023 MAMA

[+3.1k] But the master puppy singer didn't go anywhere.

[+2.5k] He sounds more solid and relaxed.

[2.2k] In his early debut, he used a lot of raw voices, however, now I like it that he sings effortlessly and so comfortably, and his voice color is still the same. His vocal volume is great that I think his singing skills will continually be improving more in the future. That's the result of not being satisfied yet and continuing practicing. I think even Baekhyun will always be proud of himself as well.

[+1.6k] Now his tone remains.

> I agreed. He has grown to the point where he can express the same vocal range without frowning. I'm not even a real fan of EXO, but this is a singer!!

[+1.4k] I can feel so well that his tone remains? His vocal range is getting so much higher. 

[334] During his early debut, he was a 20-year-old boy who was preparing for Applied music major then debuted right away after practicing for a few months.. Now, has has gone above and beyond being an "idol", he's more like a professional vocalist now.

[227] I like all the changes in his singing style, but I'm really touched that his treasured voice and tone are still the same. I like it a lot.

Youtube: Baekhyun is good at both singing and gesture on Killing Voice

[720] My first time seeing an idol who makes so many eye contact with the camera like that on Killing Voice...

[216] He does so well. Please appear on the show again soon as a soloist with your solo version.

[184] He does so well that I'm out of words. 

[173] He does so fckign well. He's just great. He must appear on Killing Voice as soloist and sing 'Beautiful' as the first song.

[77] I can feel the details. Why did he do so well?

[55] I think his singing has improved. He sings so well.



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