Saturday, February 25, 2023

[Pann] Could Baekhyun debut if he joined a survival show?

Pann: Could Baekhyun and XX debut if they joined a survival show?

- Shouldn't the question be "Could they rank #1?"?? There is no way they can't debut. Baekhyun is talented that it took him less than a year to get into the debut team since he joined SM.

- I think Baekhyun would be fcking very popular. Isn't he cute main vocalist type?
> He is that rare cute main vocalist...
> First of all, his personality is kind of cute type, so it's fcking possible (to debut.) I think he would still be able to do his stage without training.
> He can definitely get #1 with this talent, this capacity and even this look.

- It's king possible. I want to see the evaluation on Baekhyun's vocal.

- Of course. And their stage skills are no joke.

- They are the top in the whole idol world, isn't it something obvious?

- Baekhyun is a good performer. Even when he got a little screen time, his core fan would still be a lot.

- Isn't Baekhyun always a popular member since debut?

- Even when they got little screen time and appeared on camera just for 1 second, they would still debut.

- Baekhyun can for sure.

- With Baekhyun's face, even when he was lying on stage and sleep, he still could rank #1.

- Isn't it something obvious? They would dominatedly rank #1.

- Baekhyun got cast by SM and only took 3 months to get into the debut team, meanwhile his fandom is #1, it's fking obvious that he can debut.



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