Thursday, November 18, 2021


(Comments from Pann about men’s reaction)

- Even in the male-dominated site, they are all saying the weirdos are making no sense though. Even if those weirdos are going crazy, I hope Baekhyun to reupload the videos.

- What’s with the Hannam men? If men saw Teolaegi, they would only think why it is so big. They wouldn’t think of filling any civil complaints. It’s crazy how y’all try to blame it on them.

- Not the Hannam men. It’s those weirdos like y’all doing such thing.

- What’s with the Hannam men? If you are Baekhyun fans, you would never be able to say it’s because of the Hannam men. It should be those akgaes and weirdos though. I often see y’all trying to blame it on the Hannam men so stop your nonsense. Since the articles about Baekhyun doing public service, the Hannam people were quiet. Those who bashed him were all from female-dominated site though. The Hannam men even shielded Baekhyun. Don’t talk if you don’t know.

- Now y’all try to blame it on the men. Men don’t even know that Baekhyun enlisted.

- What’s are you saying? If you are Baekhyun fans, you will know who did all these. 

(Comments from a male-dominated site)

- He must have uploaded the videos because of his fans. The amount of money they can earn from there usually is insignificant though. Fans must be crying.

- If you put it like that, they need to take down EXO's songs during the time they are serving though. There are copyright fees.

- Before group XXX enlist, they would film a lot not to make it feel like a long break. Will that be a problem too?

- Are they bashing men again? I'm curious.

- Oh did he enlist?

- They really must be joking.

- I have no word.

- It's annoying like sh*t that (men) are forced to serve in the military, and they even make you not be able to make money.

They should have posted the explanation. His fans must feel really bad.



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