Thursday, November 11, 2021

[Instiz] Baekhyun's power of influence with Teolaegi. Is he really the one who already enlisted?

Instiz: Baekhyun's power of influence. Is he really the one who already enlisted?

- As expected of Baekhyun.

- But Teolaegi is honestly cute.

- Heol I saw this post and came back to reality that Baekhyun enlisted.

- I came at 8am today and waited until 3pm and almost half of them were sold out. I grabbed 100,000 won with me, and barely spent 50,000 won.

- Seriously I arrived at 10:30am today and I got to enter at 5:40pm... but what I want to buy are all sold out, so I just got fortune teller and left...

- Yeah just by seeing how "Teolaegi" was on the popular key search anonymous entertainment category... I want to go offline too... Would it be okay to go next week...

- (That many people gathering) came to buy merchandises not to see celebrity though.

- Amazing right? It's not like they come to see celebrity, but to buy merchandises.

- It's not even fan-meeting, but selling merchandises + more than 1500 people on a weekday + today is the first selling date (11/11 - 11/21)

- It's not even about seeing celebrity, but buying merchandises though. Entrance was closed just after an hour, so many other people said they couldn't go. The photocards are even just screenshots (from Youtube), so it's already a disadvantage. In addition, those merchandises are from Baekhyun who already enlisted (but that many people were gathering)

- Someone is jealous right. They envy because Baekhyun keeps being successful.

- I arrived at around 12 and (OP's number is 938, waiting time is 4690 minutes). I will come back. There are really a lot of people. Baekhyun is the best.



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