Wednesday, April 28, 2021

[Instiz] Is Bambi public friendly?


- It’s public friendly in my ears... is it because I like R&B?

- I don’t know if it’s a public friendly genre but first of all, the song is awesome.

- I think Candy is more public friendly. Candy > UN Village > Bambi.

- I don’t think it gives a public friendly vibe. Candy is more public friendly.

- Bambi Bam~~bi. This song is more public friendly than Candy to me.

- Isn’t Bambi completely R&B? Rather than public friendly, it’s more about minor genre.

- I think it’s Candy...? But my favorite is UN Village.

- Bambi isn’t public friendly, but Baekhyun is public friendly.
> I think this is true. Bambi is traditional R&B, but it feels less heavy because Baekhyun sings it.
> The R&B genre itself is a minor in our country.
> This is it. I’m a fan of another artist but I like this song the most among his titles.

- The song itself isn’t public friendly but it sounds like public friendly because it’s Baekhyun singing it.

- No. I’m a Baekhyun fan and just by reading the composer’s interviews it has been never a public friendly song since the beginning.

- Heol but Bambi is my most favorite. I’m a fan of another artist.

- It’s not public friendly but it’s so my style. I like it the most. I listen to it everyday.

- The composer also said it isn't the song that was made of elements the Korean public would like, but it was made to the artist's order. 

- Since the beginning R&B isn’t a public friendly genre. He has a very nice voice that it forces me to listen.

- I don't like R&B but I listen to Baekhyun-nim's Bambi. 

- In my standard, the most easy listening is Candy. Bambi is totally like a deep R&B genre like Chris Brown. But Baekhyun’s voice itself doesn’t have mixed opinions between like and dislike, so even if it’s a minor genre, I think people still like it.

- R&B has never been a public friendly genre, right? It’s tough to be successful with R&B.

- It’s not too against public taste but it isn’t public friendly either. It’s in the middle. And the addiction is strong. Bambi Bam~~ Bambi Bambi~~

- It’s like you can’t find any song like Bambi among idols’ songs??? It’s traditional R&B so it isn’t the song that was made for public taste.



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