Sunday, January 3, 2021

[Daum/Instiz] Baekhyun's 1st solo concert attracted 110,000 viewers from 120 countries

Daum: ‘Beyond LIVE’, BAEKHYUN’s 1st solo concert attracted 110,000 viewers from 120 countries

- Those have shared accounts as well, so that must be more than 110,000. It's daebak. Baekhyun ㅜㅜ

- Heol 110,000 people? It will be way more than that if you include the shared accounts.

- If not because of Corona, I would have missed the concert if people all over the world bought tickets...

- The best.

- Personally, please do it online as well when it is an offline concert. Looking at this, the offline concert will certainly be bloody ticketing... Baekhyun did a great job. I didn't know an online concert would have this lingering feeling as well.

- Yesterday was really the best. I want to go back to Sunday.

- God Baekhyun. Yesterday was the best... The quality was insane.

- Legendary.

- It would be better if it was an offline concert, but if it was offline, I don't think I would have a seat.

- Baekhyun Solo King... I'm looking forward to his next solo concert, too.

- I'm screwed. The ticketing..

- If it was offline, there would never a seat for me.

- He was really the best. He is the top male idol soloist.

- SM, did you see that? it's also already ridiculous for us to go with KSPO Dome... But, if you hold an offline concert, please do it again at KSPO Dome.^^ Do it all month long for me...

Instiz: Baekhyun's yesterday concert was daebak

- It really hit me much for worrying a bit because it is an online concert.
> My first time feeling 44k won is cheap.

- For real 44k won is so cheap.
> It was the concert that I would not regret over the price even if the price was higher.

- After I watched for 30 minutes and a thought came to mind that 44k is cheap.

- For real, it was perfect until the ending.

- Agree. It was fcking perfect. I'm just so happy because I'm so satisfied. It still lingers in my head.

- Really... the ai and stage production is insane. 
> True. The capability of the singer was also awesome.
> Talking (praising) about Baekhyun hurts my mouth.
> I thought he has 4 lungs yesterday. 



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