Thursday, November 19, 2020

[Youtube] Baekhyun's PUBG skills are praised by muggles and nonfans

YoutubeChicken Dinner with Gen.G X BAEKHYUN 🍗 | Gen.G PUBG (Gen.G Channel)

[+506] I don't like male idols but I should like idols who like games, right?

[+209] Baekhyun-nim is good at shooting beyond my imagination.

[+198] He is seriously good though...?

[+121] I started having a good impression toward Baekhyun.

[+78] Baekhyun-nim is so fcking good at lead shots... he does so well... there is no way he is at the beginner level... he must have spent a lot of time playing and mastering his skills perfectly.

[+39] Baekhyun... is he even real?

[+33] He is really good at lead shots.

[+23] Baekhyun-nim, thank you so much for adoring our Gen.G players. But Baekhyun-nim is also so good at PUBG.

Youtube: KyoongTube

- Now I have stopped playing (PUBG), but as a former solo ranker, if I have to say something, it's that he is really good at it. Since he is a celebrity, I thought he would just look weird and stuffy and would just do his thing, and when the professional players said that he was good, I thought it was just their lip services. But I knew what the professional players said was sincere when I saw him doing DMR shooting.
> For real... when he did SLR shooting, I thought it was the screen of the Gen.G players.
> For real... I thought it was personal screen of Gen.G players but it was Baekhyun-nim's.

- Baekhyun is really good at it. It's obvious...

- Baekhyun-hyung is so good at PUBG. Please make more good music. Hwaiting!

- When he went to the small house, looking at the way he right-clicked then released it while moving, he is perfectly skillful. He is handsome, sings well and if he is even good at game...

- Baekhyun-nim is so good at DMR shooting. His tempo is fast and his accuracy is also good. 

- I was wondering since when Gen.G has such a handsome player before I came in.

I was surprised that he is fcking good at recoil control than I thought.

- I was wondering why there was such a handsome person among PUGB players and it turns out to be a celebrity.



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