Sunday, August 16, 2020

[Youtube] Review of Baekhyun's singing style on "On The Road" from vocal coach Kim Jehoon

Youtube: Review of Baekhyun's singing style and practice method. Use of breathing pressure [Kim Jehoon's vocal lesson practical tips] (e.g. Baekhyun - "On The Road")

(rough translation)

Hello!^^ I'm singer-songwriter as well as vocal coach, Kim Jehoon. 

The vocal content this time is the legendary idol in our country, EXO's Main Vocalist!! 
It is Baekhyun-nim of EXO.
Baekhyun-nim's own trustworthy voice tone.
And his accurate rhythm sense that can digest any music genre.
Last but not least, his high-quality pronunciation and powerful voice when he sings.

When he sings live, he sings so well as if it's AR.
As a singer, he has a voice that I envy.
In Baekhyun-nim's latest album, I especially like "Love Again" a lot.
However, the song that I will analyze Baekhyun-nim's singing skills this time is my most favorite among Baekhyun's songs, "On The Road."

I'll define Baekhyun-nim's singing ability as one.
That's the pressure of breathing.
He's really good at using his breath when he sings.
Especially, if you listen to the very beginning part "I ran out of breath" of "On The Road", you will know that his breath isn't cut off, but used neatly in every lyric.
Can you hear that he breathes forward to fit the lyrics "I ran out of breath"?
I think he's really good at controlling his breathing in all the lyrics.

Especially, the greater part is the part after that. If you listen to the part "Am I lost? (길을 잃어버린 걸까)", he reduces his breath in the last word "린" of "길을 잃어버린" for a while, and then breathe out in "걸까".

If you sing like this, you can properly express the emotion of the melody and lyrics.
And it may look easy to sing and comfortable to hear, but it's a really difficult high-class skill.
Especially, you have to use the pressure of breathing well.

When recording the song, it's more difficult to sing the verse part in the beginning than the chorus part of the high note.
When Baekhyun-nim sings, he's good at using the breathing pressure, so he sings in a sentimental and high-class way.
Honestly, to sing like Baekhyun-nim, one has to spend bloody time and effort, and do recording training.



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