Monday, June 15, 2020

[Theqoo] Two best songs in Baekhyun's album "Delight" + Live performance

Theqoo: Two best songs in Baekhyun's album "Delight" + Live performances

1. Title song "Candy"
He sings live so well that I was surprised. Choreography, song, and even the outfits are perfect. The audio version is good but I enjoy watching the performance the most.

2. B-side track "Love Again"
Live singing + Voice color are so good.


- Masterpieces.

- "Love Again" is a masterpiece.

- Agree.

- "Love Again" for real. I agree with OP but add "Bungee", too.

- "Bungee", too.

- I will take "Love Again", and add "Underwater".

- Personally, he is one of a few singers that I listen to a whole album lately. All the songs are good.

- I agree with OP but "Bungee", "Poppin'", and other songs are also good. His new album itself is a masterpiece.

The album itself is well-made and the quality of the songs in the album is crazy. "Love Again" is the most popular but I personally loves "Underwater". Make sure you listen to a whole the album!

- He really sings so well and I thought he would appear on Sketchbook but it was such a pity. I like "Underwater" too.

- I like his voice color.

- Every song in his album is all good. And "Underwater" is my most favorite song.

- I'm listening through his album and I personally think "Ghost" is fcking good.

- I hope he would appear on Sketchbook.

- I'm a passing-by muggle and "UN Village" made me crazy and (now) I'm a big fan of "Love Again".



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