Saturday, October 12, 2019

[Youtube] Baekhyun on SBS's variety shows

Youtube: EXO Baekhyun on SBS's variety shows (Running Man, Master Key, Park Jinyoung's Party People)

[+2.7K] I really wonder what this kid would do if he wouldn’t be an idol? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+1.7K] I hope staff who made this video will receive more salary…please just let me know your bank account… where are you...I’ll give y’all deep bows… please work less but earn more. I love you.

[+1.5K] ‘Running Man’ Baekhyun is really so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ shocked hamster ㅠ and I still feel so proud about that No.1 pre-voting.

[+1.4K] I was truly knocked down when Byun Baekhyun hugged Jo Boah-nim ㅠㅠ

[+1K] I think it’s the strength of only Baekhyun that he makes people laugh without being disrespectful to them. It’s so nice to see the way he always makes efforts in every situation. It makes sense how he has so many fans. I’ll always support every image of you, Baekhyun-ah!

[+1K] I watched this and feel like it was such a pity. EXO has been idols for 8 years but they had only 3 variety shows on SBS. It is such a pity. And I enjoy watching ‘Running Man’. I have watched every episode. I hope EXO to appear on ‘Running Man’ again.

[+547] SBS has been with Baekhyun on Inkigayo, ‘Moon Lovers’ and even variety shows. Let’s walk together for a long time. I hope to see Baekhyun on SBS more often. The combination of public broadcast and Baekhyun is legendary.

[+502] Thank you SBS. Thank you for your Baekhyun video. Y’all did a good job. Staff who did this, please receive more salary.

[+451] Baekhyun has been good at variety shows since ‘Growl’ right? As expected of Genius Idol. As expected of Baekhyun. Thank SBS for this Baekhyun variety show compilation. Thanks to you, I had a memory trip. Baekhyun, let’s appear on more variety shows. Broadcasters, please cast Baekhyun. We can guarantee the ratings. Baekhyun-ah, please do everything you want to do and be happy only. It’s enough to us. Baekhyun-ah, I love you as much as I can’t express all with words. In the future too, let’s love.

[+421] Is Baekhyun’s abs real?

[+333] 11:56 umbrella Baekhyun 11:56 umbrella Baekhyun 11:56 umbrella Baekhyun 11:56 umbrella Baekhyun 11:56 umbrella Baekhyun 11:56 umbrella Baekhyun 11:56 umbrella Baekhyun 11:56 umbrella Baekhyun 11:56 umbrella Baekhyun 11:56 umbrella Baekhyun

[+222] His first-love vibe was explodingᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲ In my memory Byun Baekhyun is king of king. No matter how look I at him, he looks like a Baekhyun-sunbae who was running in the school stadium and he was the one I like when I was in my school days. I love you, my little animal Baekhyun.

[+201] SM, please put talented Byun Baekhyun on more variety shows.

[+169] Our Baekhyun is so good at variety shows right? Genius Idol I love you!

[+168] Baekhyun’s variety sense is so good. I hope to see him on more variety shows.

[+148] I like Baekhyun so much. I’m so happy. He is handsome, pure, sexy Genius Idol. 

[+133] Baekhyun in that white t-shirt on ‘Master Key’ is legendary. He brought a vibe of first-love sunbae. I love the special aura Baekhyun has in him.

[+98] I find Baekhyun who has the courage in his words very cool and beautiful. I have seen how Baekhyun has been working hard to develop as an artist along with not only caring for fans but also his members, how not to love him.



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