Friday, July 19, 2019

[Theqoo] What's your pick in Baekhyun's solo album?

Theqoo: Among b-side tracks from Baekhyun’s album, two songs that have been establishing 2 biggest fandoms

‘Betcha’ is Kenzi’s work.
‘Stay Up’ is ChaCha Malone’s work.

The people who took part in the two songs are just huge. At the beginning, ‘Betcha’ was so popular, but ‘Stay Up’ suddenly rises up like stocks after it was known to have sexual lyrics. Both of them are the most popular.

- These two songs have been taking turns to be my bias ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ but I’m also into ‘Psycho’ recently.

- "‘Stay Up’ suddenly rises up like stocks after it was known to have sexy lyrics” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ no, it isn’t. ‘Stay Up’ has been popular since the beginning.

- I fcking like ‘Stay Up’ ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

- What’s with that reason? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ everyone has liked ‘Stay Up’ since the highly medley.

- I like ‘Betcha’ and ‘Diamond’ the most.

- I’m a ‘Betcha’ akgae.

- I’m a ‘Diamond’ akgae.

- God ‘Stay Up’.

- I think overseas fans like ‘Stay Up’ and domestic fans like ‘Betcha’.

- ‘Stay Up’ is the best. I love it so freaking much.

- ‘Stay Up’ at 3:01.

- Innocent me go with ‘Betcha’.

- I transferred from ‘Betcha’ to ‘Stay Up’. Baekhyun’s voice at 3:01 is insane.

- Please put ‘Stay Up’ at 3:01 on loop.

- I love you, ‘Betcha’

- ‘Stay Up’s lyrics are just…. I’m speechless even on daytime.

- I love them both.

Theqoo: Baekhyun’s title song from his solo album... his own pick vs SM’s pick vs song that popular among fans

OP: Baekhyun’s pick for title song = ‘UN Village’ (now title song)
SM’s pick for title song = ‘Ice Queen’
Popular among fans = ‘Betcha’

- ‘Betcha’ is good but my favorite is ‘Stay Up’. I like them all on this album.

- I like ‘UN Village’ the most.

- I’m with ‘Stay Up’. Please listen to 3:01.

- ‘UN Village’ has the most impact.

- ‘Betcha’ obviously sounds like a title song, but it’s amazing how SM picked ‘Ice Queen’.

- All the b-side tracks are good, but in this album, ‘UN Village’ gives the best feeling of a title track. I think he picked well.

- Not a fan but I like ‘Psycho’ the most.

- SM doesn’t have that sense. ‘Ice Queen’ is good, but it sounds like a b-side track.

- Am I the only one liking ‘Psycho’? Not a fan though.

- ‘Betcha’... isn’t it our fate to meet each other?

- I like ‘Ice Queen’ after ‘UN Village’

- ‘Betcha’ is good, but ‘UN Village’ sounds exactly like a title track. Thank Baekhyun for picking it. The song is so addictive.

- ‘UN Village’ is the best. It has title track feeling in it. Baekhyun has sense.

- Gather all ‘Stay Up’ akgaes.

- Baekhyun’s pick sounds different even from the beat as from what I have listened.

- ‘Betcha’ is my go-to-work anthem.

- I like the title track followed by ‘Stay Up’.

- ‘UN Village’ wins when it comes to title track feeling.

- Am I the only one whose bias is ‘Diamond’? But ‘UN Village’ is obviously a title track.

- I got addicted to ‘Betcha’ after one listen. I like ‘Stay Up’ too.

- ‘UN Village’ is the most suitable for the title track. But I like ‘Betcha’ the most.

- ‘Ice Queen’ is my bias.

- ‘UN Village’ is good but I listen to ‘Betcha’ more because it’s summer.

- I can understand SM if they picked ‘Betcha’, but I don’t know what they think about ‘Ice Queen’. ‘UN Village’ is still better.

- Don't exclude my 'Stay Up' and there are still fans liking 'Psycho'.

- All are good but Baekhyun's sense is still the best. ‘UN Village’ is just on another class.



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