Monday, November 24, 2014

[Instiz] 141124 Baekhyun's handprint costs $9,559

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- I’m really curious about the one who bought it

- How many chickens can we buy with that amount of money?

- My baby’s hand is so beautiful

- Woah daebakk

- A Chinese unnie bought it

- Ah look at his fingers, ah so pretty

- So jealous~~ I have to work harder to earn more money~~~ Baekhyun ah

- Heol~ daebak~ *goose bumps~ the lines of his palm are really the same as mine

- The purpose is good too. Fans can afford it, it’s okay but the price is…

- My boyfriend’s handprint was sold well

- I really can understand the fans who love Baekhyun

- Our Baekhyunie…noona also has to earn more money

- Aiya as ecpected of Byun Baekoong

- Rich unnie! I have “M” line on my palm as well

- But they spent money on the good thing

- It’s 17,000 won a chicken so we can buy 623 chickens with that amount of money, we eat about 1 chicken a week, there are 52 weeks/year so we can eat that amount of chickens in around 11 years

- Baekhyun’s one is too expensive

- The buyer did the good thing

- Baekhyun’s is the most expensive so far


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