Sunday, September 8, 2024

[Daum] Baekhyun album reviews (part 3)


- Looking at Baekhyun, I think MV quality is really important. When I first listened to his new title track, I felt like it was okay. But when I watched the MV along, I got hooked on the song that I keep replaying it. I personally think this is his best title tracks so far.

- Baekhyun's song is so good. The title track sounds so-so at first listen, but it gets better after the 2nd listen. I like all b-sides except 'Woo'.

- Baekhyun's new album is so good. 'Good Morning' is my type. I want to hear it live.

- The quality is all good, just different in taste. Anyway, all of his albums are my type. Aside from the title track, I always like about 2 b-sides. This time is the same. 1st album: 'Stay Up' & 'Betcha'; 2nd album: 'Bungee' & 'Love Again'; 3rd album: 'Love Scene' & 'Privacy'; 4th album: 'Rendez-Vous' & 'Good Morning'.

- Baekhyun has never done style like 'Rendez-Vous' before right? Is it R&B too? It is so good.

- The combination of Baekhyun and Colde is so good. Release more songs.

- I listen to Baekhyun's album just now. My previous picks are 'Bungee', 'Stay Up', 'Love Again', 'Love Scene'. My new picks are 'Good Morning', 'Truth Be Told', 'Woo'. Baekhyun's album is my style. It's fcking good.

- Baekhyun's 'Rendez-Vous' is fcking good, following by 'Bungee'.

- 'Rendez-Vous''s lyrics make my heart flutter. As expected of Colde.

- I like Baekhyun's 'Woo'. It's so sweet.

- Baekhyun's top-tier b-side this time is 'Rendez-Vous'.

- Baekhyun's MV is interesting. The only MV I watched after 'Supernova' recently.

- I like Baekhyun's 'Woo'. I was like what was with the lyrics, but the beat is so good the more I listen to it.

- Why no one told me that 'Rendez-Vous' is good? I heard it in the morning by chance and now it's on repeat to the extent I memorize the lyrics.

- Baekhyun's new songs are fcking good. 'Pineapple Slice' beat is daebak. 'Rendez-Vous' is good. Those that said his song quality would drop after leaving SM probably have his songs on repeat now too.

- Personally I found Baekhyun's new MV is well made.

- Baekhyun's MV is well done this time.

- I'm not sure about XX but for Baekhyun, this is the first MV I feel like there are actually money spent on it. He even went overseas for it.

- IMO Baekhyun's new MV is the best among his MVs so far.

- Baekhyun's trailers are nice though. I was amazed.

- Baekhyun is doing great on his own.

- Baekhyun's new MV quality is nice though. Baekhyun's songs are good too.

- But Baekhyun's songs are good this time though.



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