Sunday, June 20, 2021

[Youtube] Just another post with Baekhyun's vocal praises

Youtube: The difference between falsetto and chest voice

[+1.3k] Byun Baekhyun...he is seriously amazing. It's my first time seeing such an idol.
> Byun Baekhyun is really a wall. I even find him amazing as a fan of another artist. He is legendary.

[+672] Honestly I'm so surprised whenever I see Baekhyun. How can he even do like that?

Youtube:  Mixed voice

[+641] I watched this unintentionally, but Kim Jaehwan-ssi and Byun Baekhyun-ssi sing so well...

[+168] Don't you know trust-to-listen Baek? the leader of first tier Byun Baekhyun.

[+147] Baekhyun is the best when it comes to mixed voice.

[+135] Baekhyun and Kim Jaehwan seriously... they are at a different level compared to somebody...

[+63] That note of Baekhyun is female key though, he is insane. As expected of SM's talents.... Baekhyun is really the no.1.

[+61] They can't get to the same level with Baekhyun and Jaehwan.

[+51] Tiger Inside's high note is so refreshing.

[+26] Seriously Byun Baekhyun and Kim Jaehwan are the wall. Their chest voice gives me goosebumps.

Youtube: Same The Moon of Seoul, different skills

[+1.2k] That was even before Baekhyun changed his vocalization.
> True. He does better now.

[+470] Let's not compare to Baekhyun's talents in the first place..

[+435] Vocalization is important. If your vocalization isn't solid, your diction can't be good already.

[+356] It's fcking cool of Byun Baekhyun to play the piano and sing live at Party People. Everyone, watch it. He is very heart-fluttering.

[+55] Honestly Baekhyun is such an unsurpassable wall, right?

[+44] Baekhyun as expected.. he sounds solid.

[+8] Byun Baekhyun... I need to say he sounds solid? Anyway he did better.

[+4] Really? you really compare to God Baekhyun...?  



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