Thursday, April 8, 2021

[Youtube] 'Bambi' analysis by vocal coach/trainer Aiden (rough translation)


Aiden is a vocal coach, vocal trainer for idols.

'Bambi' is one of the songs he often listens to recently. It is a song that is full of cool melody and diverse vocal techniques.

He reads from namuwiki page of Baekhyun: Baekhyun is the member (of EXO) that receives praise for having the most outstanding improvement in singing skills compared to debut days. Even when comparing Baekhyun of early debut to Baekhyun of 2014-2015 through his activities, it's already easy to notice the development of his singing skills. Baekhyun is hardworking person who constantly make efforts to his development.

Bambi analysis:

Aiden usually analyzes live performance, but it's such a pity that Baekhyun has none. He searched for one every day, but there is no live version. Thus, he is going to analyze the studio version.

Since the first verse, Baekhyun started with rhythmic and powerful diction. 

"You are my fa~~vorite": very natural voice changing.

~~"Neverland": triple-tongue. Composer's sense is important, but it's also very important for the singer/vocal to bring it to life. Baekhyun expresses it coolly.

"Girl you're so dangerous~~~": Insane. Very smooth. It isn't Aiden's intention to pause every line to analyze, but there are so many interesting elements that he wants to talk about in Bambi.

"Bambi bam~bi": Baekhyun created a very charming sound that stimulates sense of hearing at "Bi". It's very cool collaboration of the intention of the composer and the expression ability of the singer.

"I sometimes wonder if you know how I feel~~fake": It's a complicated, but charming melody. For vocalists that don't practice Blues Scales or something like Pentatonic Scales separately, it's really hard for them to bring out this feeling. But he thinks Baekhyun has been practicing this a lot. He thinks this is the coolest section of the song.

"The stars twinkling~~": it's a bridge, but (at first) Baekhyun doesn't explode too much but maintaining. Then he starts changing the attitude and is ready to explode. Aiden said when he listens to the song, he can't relax.

Climax (at the train): High D, 3 octaves, Re(D5). Baekhyun doesn't yell, but he delivers it very coolly. In the male standard, males usually aren't born with vocal cords for the octave domain. There are also people who have it. People have to get trained. Even just by listening this tone of Baekhyun, he can see it's the vocal tone of Baekhyun's hard work for a long time.

Listening to whole song, he can see all the efforts of everyone including the composers, the lyricists, the director, and the singer. He can feel they especially pay a lot of attention to this song. There are many interesting elements in Bambi, like after every listen, other interesting elements can be found. He heard Baekhyun will enlist soon, and hopes Baekhyun to come back healthily and to release cooler music.



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