Tuesday, April 6, 2021

[Pann] Baekhyun gains fixed listeners with R&B route

Pann: Another reason why I think Baekhyun is gaining listeners

OP: I'm active on Daum cafe and when I look at those posts asking for song recommendations, there are a lot of people recommending Love Again. Not Baekhyun fans, but other idols fans like Love Again very much. They ask their favorite singers to sing it. Many people start listening to Baekhyun's songs because of Love Again.

- He made himself known to many people through Love Again and Bungee.

- I like how people have more good impression toward him through Love Again.

- After Delight, I feel there is an increase.

Pann: I hope Baekhyun to keep pushing toward R&B.

OP: He has enough capability to do the music that has high general public's interest, but he does his favorite music. R&B is a minor genre, so even there can be a big obstacle to debut on chart, he's getting more listeners steadily. I hope that he will keep pushing toward the solo genre of only Baekhyun like "Oh? This sounds like a song of Baekhyun." 

- I think Baekhyun made R&B Baekhyun known through Delight album, so it is like the album that becomes delight like its name...

- I think so too, as he sticks to R&B, he gains listeners that likes R&B.

- I like R&B Baekhyun a lot. And I can feel clearly that his fixed listeners constantly increase.

- I like his current route. He releases something like ballad that has public's interest through singles or OSTs and R&B through albums.

- Kind of like Crush...? his talent is the top, so if he keeps doing it, (number of listeners) will increase. I look forward to him.

- But isn't it true that he has gained fixed listeners? His digital this time is maintaining in the middle ranking better than I though. I thought it would be out of chart right away. And I couldn't imagine his b-sides could enter 24hits.
> There aren't many traditional R&B songs like this in Korea, so for R&B lovers, his album is like timely rain.
> The chart is different compared to Candy, so the comparison is quite vague, but I feel like this is better than Candy. Since his 1st album, the more he goes, the more he has been gaining more listeners.



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