Sunday, March 28, 2021

[Twitter/Instiz] Baekhyun amazes 2D fans and nonfans with his Conan impersonation


- It's so funny that this started with EXO-Ls retweeting, then it attracted and amazed 2-D fans and even fans of other artists. Is this Byun Baekhyun, the man of everyone...

- The ending syllable is fcking similar.

- No but honestly it's fcking the same. I really thought it was Nam Doil (t/n: Korean name of Conan) seriously he sounds fcking the same.

- Can I be your Mi Ranie (Ran)?

- Oh if he can do this, he can do Inuyasha Luffy too, right?

- I don't usually watch videos like this, but I thought I could trust them. I watched it without expecting anything at all. He got me surprised.

- Woah I think he can be a voice actor as well.

- He sounds fcking similar. Once he comes back from army, I think he can do dubbing Nam Doil, too.

- Nam Doil is a Japanese, so no need to enlist.

- No...I played this because impersonation was trending, and this person appeared and I watched once. He sounds exactly the same.

- Byun Baekhyun eats up Nam Doil?

- What's this? I thought he lowers volume and lip-syncing but he sounds the same.

- But this seriously, it's like he is eating Kang Sujin (t/n: popular Korean voice actor of many characters like Conan, InuYasha ...)

- This oppa even when he does impersonation, he does Nam Doil... he keeps being a male main character...

- What? I wonder how similar he would be that I pressed it, but I was fcking surprised.

- Nam Doil is high schooler so he doesn't enlist. Thus, this person doesn't have to go right? Fck My brain doesn't accept it.

- Sorry for mentioning idol, but he sounds the same.

- I have listened to this 6 times. It's definitely Nam Doil's voice, but it's not an anime character, but an idol's face, so it's so weird (that's my mood that is weird). He sounds really exactly the same.

- Dad, please do InuYasha, too. It's the same voice actor so...

- I have no interest in Baekhyun but I watch this and I'm screaming.

- This is Nam Doil, InuYasha and Kim Joenil (Kindaichi) impersonation though.

- Can we not make a man who is good at Nam Doil impersonation enlist? My heart today is breaking every five minutes.

- Wow, I usually skip impersonation of idol singers, but he is good at it.

- Fck can Nam Doil enlist on his behalf..?


- I thought he was lip-syncing.

- I'm a fan of Kang Sujin-nim and I was surprised.

- He sounds the same. I thought it was the voice actor.

- I watched Conan a lot and he sounds the same.

- What's this? Conan fan here is in panic..

- My life is all about Inuyasha, Namdoil and Dororo and he really sounds the same.
> It'd be very cute of he does Dororo impersonation in the future.



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