Saturday, March 27, 2021

[Pann] Baekhyun grabs a spot in everyone's hearts


- He isn't my idol but I feel like complicated.... I don't know why but it's like Baekhyun is grabbing a spot in everyone's hearts.

- I'm a fan of another artist, I'm like "Oh" when other artists enlist, but it's different when it comes to Baekhyun. What's it? Fck

- Why I'm not even Eri but my heart feels complicated... I don't even listen to EXO's songs, but why I feel like choking up...?

- I'm a fan of another artist but I think Baekhyun is really very popular. Honesty I didn't really like Baekhyun before, but I changed to having good impression on him. Hope he won't get injured in the army, and come back safely.

- Even when people didn't like Baekhyun before, many of them have changed to having good impression on him because of his constantly hardworking image for 10 years. Before when I was younger, I hate him and envy him because of fandom fights. Recently I think he is a person with such cool mindset. He sings well and he is cool that I searched for his solo songs and I secretly support him. Now that he has to enlist, I even feel upset when I have never been a fan of his.


- He makes it impossible not to like him.

- I'm a fan of another artist but I think Baekhyun's words are really beautiful.

- I'm not even a fan but I'm like ~shall I buy his album this time and become his fan~

- I have just become his fan for 2 days though fck

- I'm a fan of another artist but woah... I realized why Baekhyun's core fandom is this fcking solid. I can feel his earnestness? appreciation toward fans.

- Byun Baekhyun is like a person who is strong, greedy for his own job in a good meaning. It is cool of him trying to be a good singer. It's a pity that he's going to enlist. 

- What is this... so there is a reason why those who are not even Baekhyun's fans on Twitter were freaking out... Recently I started not to trust male idols, but I was like there is also such a male idol with that mindset (after reading the text of his IG live). Unless it's just for lip-service, I think all male idols need to be like Baekhyun.

- It's so like Byun Baekhyun that he wondered if it was right to ask fans to wait for him without any preparation.



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