Thursday, November 26, 2020

[Instiz] Baekhyun said his least favorite hair color is dark purple

Instiz: The hair color that Baekhyun said he didn't like...

- I'm the one who became his fan because of his Eggplant Hair though. I'm speechless.

- Wasn't that his prime?! No, of course, he still keeps having his best days, but I really liked Baekhyun-nim's hair back then.

- We love Eggplant Kyoong, Baekhyun-ah!

- I became a fan because of Grape Hair though.

- Baekhyun-ah, there were 5.5 trillion people who became fans since then..

- I really like this hair of his though... It still looks so beautiful when I look at it now.

- Baekhyun... you really

- He looked beautiful though.

- When it was Grape Kyoong, I loved the color so much that as soon as I saw it, I was exploding. 

- The last photo is legendary.

- My beloved...

- The last photo is one of my most favorite photo of Baekhyunee.

- Our baby... was that pretty though.

- I look at that chick photo and became his fan though... he said it didn't look good.

- I'm actually Grape Kyoong akgae.

- Grape Kyoong was a legend. I didn't expect him to think so.

- I also became a fan since then.

- This is fcking shocking.

- I'm a fan of another artist but I also thought he looked pretty with it.

- There were a lot of people who became Baekhyun's fans since then.



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