Wednesday, April 1, 2020

[Compilation] Baekhyun on "Moon Lovers" filming location

1. My friend (a muggle) is a staff for "BoBoKyeongShim". She said Baekhyun is very good at acting and his voice is very cute. When it's his waiting time, he keeps watching webtoon. Baekhyun's face is very small. Baekhyun said sorry for posting Instagram late yesterday (t/n: the post Baekhyun posted about EXO's 4th anniversary, link), but actually the filming ended at 4am yesterday. He must have been tired, but still took care of Eris.

2. OP's friend, a staff for "BoBoKyeongShim", asked for Baekhyun's signature on behalf of OP. Baekhyun signed and said OP's name is pretty. OP often sends photos of Baekhyun that she takes herself to her friend. The staff told Baekhyun "My friend is totally your fan. Look at these (photos), they are taken very nicely right?" Baekhyun said "Really? Hehe woah you said your friend took these herself?" Baekhyun has been filming since dawn till now. While he's busy and tired, he still smiled and signed for the staff. Baekhyun is praised for being a mood maker. The staff feel grateful for his support truck today, the food is delicious. There are staff who smokes especially the male staff, so Baekhyun also put cigarettes into the list of items. The male staff really like it.
(t/n: 160407, Baekhyun sent a support truck to filming set)
Baekhyun signed and left a message for OP: "See you soon~🤍", he also put a heart next to her name.

3. Happy Together
Baekhyun: Junki hyung-nim, when we filmed the drama, even it was my part, he kept acting with me. It was my first time acting, so I was scared of crying scene, but that he kept acting with me like that, I was automatically crying... he was saying the lines too. I was touched.

Review from fansupport truck for IU:
"Baekhyun actor-nim who came in front of the support truck and wrote down his order as soon as he finished his meal. He was told that he didn't have to write down, it was okay to just say it and what they could get him? then Baekhyun said "Uhm... I..." while he was alternately looking at strawberry banana and green grape juice. Then he said "Green grape juice for me!!" He received the juice with two hands and bright expression, saying "Thank you", smiling and left. 

5. Review from support truck by Baekhyun himself (160407)
Before the truck came, it seemed everybody already knew it. There were BBKS female staff, so the truck staff asked them how everybody already knew about this. The BBKS staff said "Baekhyunee already bragged about this. (t/n: they called him ~Baekhyunee~ 😭)
On this day, Baekhyun actor-nim come to the truck exactly two times to place orders.
1st time: Grapefruit Ade.
2nd time: 2 Grapefruit Ade; 3 Ice Americano, 1 Hot Americano.

6. Review from support truck by Baekhyun Fan Union.
At the filming set, Baekhyun-nim is really cute and lovely. We can see that he is generously loved by other actors. 
From the moment Baekhyun-nim appeared, his face was full of smiles. He's a main character of this support, so he looked even happier. Everyone around said "Baekhyun-ah, I'll enjoy this"; "Baekhyun-ssi, thank you for this", so Baekhyun-nim was busy greeting them. 
Kang Haneul actor-nim heard this was Baekhyun's truck, so he visited it for several times, he said it's delicious and gave a thump up. Nam Joohyuk actor-nim and Jisoo actor-nim came to order very often too. It showed that Baekhyun's truck got a lot of love from many actors.
Baekhyun-nim first drank Ice Americano. No matter how we were busy, we still handed him (his coffee) as he had the main character privilege. There were also Baekhyun-nim's drinks among group order notes of staff as well.
During the filming, Baekhyun changed his outfit. He even came in front of the truck with his two hands beautifully together "Thank you. I drank deliciously" Baekhyun-nim was wearing a white tank top, he was so beautiful that the truck staff almost couldn't respond to his thank-you greeting. His eyes were like half-moon (eye smile) as he did eye contact. Baekhyun-nim' eyes were shining, really bright and beautiful. Baekhyun-nim was smiling too brightly while expressing his thanks to the truck, then he went to the waiting room near there. After that, he dressed nicely and appeared again. It was late at night but they were still filming. Even when he had to go back to filming set, he didn't forget us and shouted toward the truck "Thank you."

7. Review from support truck of Lee Junki.
"Outstanding looks even from a far. It's obvious that he's Baekhyun of big star idol EXO."



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