Wednesday, August 9, 2023

[YouTube] Some compliments for Baekhyun's 'Love Again'


[948] No but how on earth is his voice like this? It'd be great that there are no prejudices against idol. His song is also so good this time. Baekhyun really deserves recognition and respect (for his singing)...Also 'My Love', he digests every single song so well, seriously. 

> I'm the one that holds prejudices against idol, but I happened to listen to his song once and I was surprised. I listened to all Baekhyun's albums and I like many of them.

[846] He is the only male solo singer that I enjoy listening to all the songs in his album. All of his b-sides are insane.

[661] This song is BL (Boys Love) material.

[649] His vocal is seriously the top.

[546] I came to listen to the song because I don't understand my grade..

[292] This song needs to be more popular...

[249] Seriously Baekhyun's voice color is fcking great as well. He sings so well that the song sounds so good. It'd be great if everyone knows that Baekhyun is really good at singing. His recent songs are so so good, too.

[135] Baekhyun's singing ability really deserves recognition.



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