Thursday, April 7, 2022

[YouTube] Leader of first-tier idols Byun Baekhyun

YouTube: Baekhyun_UN Village_Comments compilation (the video compiled some of the best comments on Baekhyun’s UN Village performances)

[+1.9k] But he is really amazing… it’s true that he is called the first-tier idol among first-tier idols. Even in his military period, that he still attracts new fans is legendary. Somehow he is truly a living legend. Everyone thought he would release a ballad, but he did R&B and amazed everyone. His mini albums surpassed 1 million copies and his digital was also successful. Above of everything, his live singing keeps getting better and better, surprises everyone and never fails his fans. And his love for fans… to be honest… when an idol does something (fan-service) and it is said to be daebak, but to Byun Baekhyun’s fans, it was like nothing (as Baekhyun already did that or more than that for them). And he keeps trending. By the way if I keep talking about Byun Baekhyun, there won’t be enough space here. So everyone please wait until February 5th, 2023. 2023 will be the year of Byun Baekhyun (I hope I will have a seat at Kyoongcon. I was the one who passed out when I came to buy Teolaegi)

[+1.7k] I think he is one of a few solo male artists that has properly proven his own presence as a soloist as well, not just as a group member. Always-trust-to-listen voice = Baekhyun. 

[+1.2k] I’m a fan of another artist and I have never been an EXO-L. But Byun Baekhyun is the best. I still remember how I was shocked when I first listened to UN Village. 

[+764] Leader of K-Pop Baekhyun-nim. The legendary singer whose MR Removed sounds better than studio version. I’m waiting for Baekhyun-sunbaenim. 

[+673] I like it so fcking much when Baekhyun released three R&B mini albums in a row. Baekhyun-ah, now R&B is no longer the genre you want to do well, but the genre you do extremely well. 

[+492] I’m neither a Baekhyun’s fan or an EXO’s fan. But (UN Village) is my most favorite song. I really like this song very much. I like the lyrics too. I don’t know whether many people know this song, but I hope more people will get to know it.

[+460] Baekhyun is really the leader of first-tier idols like everybody said. I still like UN Village and it is still on my playlist. It’s the song I love. From the beat, his face to his voice, they are all perfect. Please discharge quickly.

[+220] I really like Baekhyun’s ballads. I heard many people say that he is smart for singing ballads as OSTs while doing the genre he likes in his solo albums. It’s no doubt that solo albums’ title songs are usually good, but his b-sides are insane as well. This only happens when a genius also works hard. Baekhyun-ssi, please sing forever.

[+133] Not EXO-L but Byun Baekhyun is the best. Not only UN Village but all the b-sides are equally masterpieces. Anyway when  will the leader of first-tier idols come back?

[+121] Even when you are fans of other artists, everyone has Byun Baekhyun in their hearts right. He is the oppa of everyone. It’s said that it’s okay not to attend their biases’ concerts, but they want to attend Baekhyun’s concert.

[+92] I’m not even EXO fan and even when I stopped searching about them after Growl and Tempo but I still pay attention because of Baekhyun. He is great at his job, from his personality, character, face, talent, skills, singing, etc nothing he can’t do and he is heart-warming too. I feel like my mouth would hurt if I keep talking about how great he is. I’m not EXO fan but I have the best impression on Baekhyun and I only pay attention to him in EXO. Baekhyun-ah, don’t get sick and don’t get injured in military. Be careful and come back safely. I’m waiting for you.

[+75] He is a perfect hexagon idol (visual, physical, dancing, singing, rap, talent) … his natural abilities aside, he does a lot of practice and makes a lot of efforts. And he has sense and charm that one can’t achieve by making efforts and practicing. Personally whenever Baekhyun releases solo albums, I can feel that he knows what he is good at, what he wants to do and what he wants to show. He is the case that can’t help but being successful because he knows himself very well and even works very hard.

[+66] Baekhyun’s capabilities are really like hexagon. Good singing, good dancing, full of talents and good variety show skills.

[+56] Not a Baekhyun’s fan but I keep listening to this song and Love Again. I like them so much.

[+36] Not a fan but as a listener, I always pay attention to his releases especially this song. It suits Baekhyun-nim’s voice perfectly. The intro beat is insane.

[+32] Baekhyun is really the best. Among male idols, he is the best at R&B to me. His voice color is insane.



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