Thursday, November 4, 2021

[Theqoo] Nonfans also want to buy Teolaegi designed by Baekhyun

Theqoo: Actual image of Teolaegi designed by Baekhyun himself

- The doll is so cute.

- Its name is so cute.

- Not a fan but it's so cute that I want it too.

- Heol so it's not fanmade. Official goods really look that good.

- I'm just passing by but I want to buy too.

- So cute. I want to buy the big one.

- So cute. I want to buy all.

- Please leave me some too...

- It seems official goods come out good recently... so cute.

- No but those messages have sense. "You have to protect me".

- Not a fan but I want to have that chapssal tok.

- No but I haven't seen Baekhyun for a while, why does he still look so young?

- Oh the overall price seems okay though? All are so cute.

- Not a fan but as a person who like dolls, it's so cute ㅋㅋㅋ

- Heol why they are so cute. The quality looks good.

- They look like Baekhyun.

- Oh it's crazily cute. Not a fan but I want to buy that keyring too. But it seems Baekhyun prepared a lot before enlisting.

- So cute. I'm a fan of another artist but this is the cutest among official dolls I have ever seen.

- It is really well-made. The more I think about it, the more well-made it is. I can see Baekhyun's efforts in the youtube video. It's cute.

- Not a fan but I have good impression on him and I want to buy it so badly. Please have many stocks.

- I envy.

- Not a fan but it's so cute. It gives me feeling of seeing the ideal Kpop, idol and merchandise. The name is also cute.

- Hope my idol makes something like this too.

- It's really cute. I'm a fan of another artist but I want to buy too. Please prepare plenty of stocks.

- Daebak. It's fkcing cute. Hope my idol design and make something like this too. I envy Baekhyun's fans.

- I have great impression on Baekhyun.



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