Friday, April 2, 2021

[Instiz/Theqoo] Nonfans know Baekhyun's birthday and wait for his music

I wonder if I was too active on Instiz? I'm not a fan but Baekhyun's birthday is stuck on my head. As soon as I saw it, I was like "Oh? on his birthday?"

I'm a fan of another artist but the saddest thing is that he won't release any album for more than a year.

Why do I also know Baekhyun-nim's birthday ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ go and come back safely, Baekhyun-nim ㅠㅠㅠ

Heol he goes on his birthday? Baekhyun-nim, please go and come back healthily.

I like Baekhyun-nim's songs that I have received a lot of comfort. I hope you to go and come back safely! Go and come back then release a lot of songs!! Now too, I enjoy listening to Bambi! Thank you for singing!

I was like those are such similar numbers that I have seen somewhere, it turned out to be his birthday.

Not a fan but I also know 5.6 is his birthday though...

I was like "Isn't that day his birthday?" before I came in, it turned out true.

I thought the date is so familiar, it turned out true that it's his birthday. My idol was also born in May, so I'm familiar. I'm a fan of another artist but I like his songs that I have good impression on him. Hope he goes and comes back healthily.

Baekhyun, go and come back safely!!! I enjoy his album that it's sad to think that there will no album for a while ㅠㅠ

I was like "Isn't it his birthday??" and it's true. Crazy. Go and come back safely. Not a fan but I'm waiting for him...

 I was thinking that the date is so familiar, it turns out that it's his birthday. Hope you goes and comes back healthily.

I also know Baekhyun's birthday, so I was like 'No way'... I came in and it's real.

Aigoo I'm a fan of another artist but as it's a familiar date and I wondered if it was Baekhyun's birthday... it's true...hope he goes and comes back safely.

Discharge quickly and release an album. I'm a fan of another artist but I like his latest album a lot.

I'm a fan of another artist but Baekhyun's music..... don't go

He is trust-to-listen Baekhyun though... be healthy and come back safely!

So Baekhyun is enlisting... I will have to listen to his songs well then....hope he will be healthy and come back safely.

He enlists on his birthday?... not my bias but I'm so sad and my heart hurts.

Not a fan but I liked Baekhyun's songs and performances. Hope he goes and comes back safely.

Sing more songs like Candy after you discharge! I just got to know this song recently but I like it so fcking much.

I'm a fan of another artist who often listen to Baekhyun's albums, I'm so sad.



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