Thursday, August 27, 2020

[Youtube] Compliments on Baekhyun’s “UN Village” MR Removed video

YouTube: Compilation of comments under legendary Baekhyun’s “UN Village” MR Removed video

(T/n: The comments in the clip are compiled from this clip You can read the translation of the comments from my old post here. I’m not sure every comments was translated but I think... most of them were ^^')

[+7.3k] This is this, right? this is our country, right? Baekhyun is the Genius Idol himself.

[+6.5k] Is this why people always go "Baekhyun Baekhyun"? He's a sample of what people usually say "His voice is handsome".

[+5.6k] It's been 8 years since Baekhyun debuted, but during the time, he's showed up in front of fans with more and more advanced skills, not the same skills every time.

[+2.7k] He didn't succeed because he joined a big company. It feels like a successful man just naturally joined a big company.

[+2.6k] It's 100% that he made the song for him to sing only.

[+1.8k] No.1 legendary video that would make me become gay. 

[+1.2k] There are quite a few cases where they are popular just by their looks, but in order to be loved for such a long time, they need to be supported by their skills. Baekhyun's case is just like that. I think he can still do well even it's been 9 years since his debut, with not only good looks but also skills and talents.

[+1.2k] EXO is really underrated, right? If you keep saying that it's because of their big company, then if someone comes from Seoul National University, you would say they are successful because they're from there? They get into big company because they are talented, right?

[+949] This is how you tell a voice is handsome.

[+935] He doesn't just sing well, he sings deliciously. What's interesting is that Baekhyun's voice is specialized in ballads when he sings ballads, but when he sings R&B, he sounds perfect for R&B. He really has that kind of vocals that are rare. I hope he can sing like this for a long time.

[+744] I think Baekhyun is the best male idol in our country.

[+728] I became his fan because of this video. I'm a high school student that listens to "UN Village" for a whole days. Hyung, I love you.

[+577] At this point, Baekhyun's name sounds like a college of arts.

[+384] His diction is daebak. I don't see the lyrics, but I can hear them all.

[+331] I'm a fan of another artist but I'm so proud that South Korea has Baekhyun that is like nuclear power. Honestly, isn't he the best male idol?

[+302] Is this him? The person who had a flu before but did a high note, is he that legend?

[+301] Personally, I think he is the best vocalist among male idols.

[+266] In "Love Shot", his dancing was insane, too. Hyung, you can't get out of human world. 

[+244] What’s this??? Who’s him? Wow His falsetto is so freaking good. This is the first time I think the MR Removed sounds better than the digital version.

[+223] I think he’s the best singer among SM’s male vocalist. First of all, he already has a nice voice. 

[+163] My only favorite is Baekhyun-nim. Rather than wanting to catch the public, Baekhyun-nim is really doing the music he wants to do as a solo artist and catches R&B. I like it already because it feel relaxed. He’s truly freaking good.

[+149] Wow I didn’t know who EXO is but I suddenly want to become a fan of Baekhyun.

[+140] In South Korea, I feel that there are many people who undervalue or have prejudices against male idols more than female idols, especially EXO is seriously underrated. Despite such reactions, Baekhyun goes out of the idol box and creates the image of singer Byun Baekhyun. I’m grateful that he doesn’t throw away his passion and greed.

[+83] Tell me honestly... did he release this song for people not be able to cover and sing at karaoke, right? Right?

[+40] To this extent, please make him as a national treasure. Honestly, how many people in our country can sing this great with such a voice? Plus, he's freaking handsome. He's also a great dancer. I'd be bashed if I wrote a novel like this.

[+26] I had no interest and didn’t know him well when he was in EXO, but he’s so cool. The song is so good and the album concept is good, too. He sings so well and his voice color is beyond an idol.

[+23] Wow I’m a fan of another artist but he’s so handsome and also sings so well. As expected the first tier idol of KPOP is at another level.

[+22] So this is now called MR Removed?? Wow isn’t this R&B?? This is my first time watching an idol singing like this.



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