Saturday, June 13, 2020

[Instiz] Baekhyun said "I'm a poor man"

Instiz: Baekhyun himself said he is a poor man

OP: Baekhyun explained the concept of "Lotto" is young and rich. The staff said isn't he also young and rich in real life. Baekhyun said "I'm a poor man"

- If Baekhyun is a poor man, what on earth is me?

- Ah you guys have to watch this video no matter what. His way of talking is really funny "Ah yoo I'm a poor man"

- The staff kept bursting out laughing.

- Oppa, then what am I?

- Ah finally we have something in common.

- There are a lot of killing points there kekeke he said Shimmy Shimmy KoKoBop means going to take a rest.

- He said he was a poor man? No Baekhyun, I'll show you how a real poor person is.

- The video is funny since the beginning to the end.

- If Baekhyun is a poor man, I'm filing for bankruptcy.

- Baekhyun-ah, you have to look at my bank account for once...

- If Baekhyun is a poor man, I'm a beggar.

- Not a fan but why Baekhyun's way of talking so funny...?

- I keep watching that part... his talking skills are really...

- The video itself is hilarious.

- He must not know what a poor man is...



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