Thursday, June 11, 2020

[Daum] EXO's Baekhyun No.1 Gaon's Album chart in May

Daum: IU, May's Gaon chart, 3 crowns…EXO's Baekhyun No.1 Album chart

- Congrats grain-of-rice line ❤️

- Baekhyun-ah, congrats

- Baekhyun is the best.

- Please two of them's collaboration *I want you*

- As expected of Baekhyun 👍❤️

- BoBoKyeongShim's Eunie and Haesoo took everything! Have a collaboration now, both of them!

- I have had a hard time with Melon chart. Now, stop fighting. Let's hold hands and come out.

- Baekhyun-ah, congrats. Eunie and Haesoo chewed all up, seriously.

- If those two have a collaboration, it would explode... I'm rooting for them.

- Those two please have a collaboration. I still can't let Haesoo and Eunie go!! I hold "Moon Lovers" in my heart while living. 

- Both of them look really young. I'm the only one aging.

- Digital Queen and Physical King, please have a collaboration. 



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