Saturday, July 2, 2022

[Youtube] Amiable Baekhyun calling ~Mom~ at a restaurant

Youtube: Amiable Baekhyun calling ~Mom~ at a restaurant

[+9.6k] That is why he is well loved.

[+4k] Aigoo  ㅠㅠ our amiable puppy. He is cute, handsome and even amiable. He is perfect...

[+3.5k] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Sometimes parents call their close elders/seniors ~Mom~ too, but I was surprised that Baekhyun does that naturally... Young people don't usually call ~Mom~  ㅋㅋㅋ

[+3k] I thought he was my son and I was almost replied "What?"

[+2.9k] He said "If the samgye-tang takes too much work, you don't need to do it for us". He has good sense.

[+1.8k] As expected of my husband.

[+684] The heart-fluttering point is when he called ~Mom~ none of the members were surprised. I wonder if he usually calls like that.

[+661] He is really an amiable son material. 

[+98] Ahh the husband vibe is strong.

[+21] Woah seriously he is so quick-witted. 

[+10] Byun Baekhyun, this man is really desirable.



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