Monday, January 4, 2021

[Daum] Which lyrics that are like an obsessive crazy male lead the most in Baekhyun's 'Love Again' ?

Daum: ~Tell me that you won't leave me~, Baekhyun's 'Love Again' which lyrics that are like an obsessive crazy male lead the most?

To the lover who says love me but leaves me, to whom I can't understand and can't let go of, I can't understand.

The lyrics that are like from an obsessive crazy male lead the most?

Please tell me once again
Tell me that you love me like that day

I couldn't believe it, everything about you
Like looking in the mirror
We were so alike

The beautiful lips that used to speak of love,
Now they don't say a word, as if locked

Deep in my heart, I could not understand why?
You say you love me, but why do you try to run away

Our love is like a race, it can't be stopped, babe
If you leave now, you won’t come back

Don't leave me alone baby
Just stay for the night baby
Say you won't leave me

I will put back
Everything, I still love you
I'm completely filled only by you
Like a balloon
Crowded with memories
I'm still the same


(Most of the comments chose number 4)

- 4 for me but there is no part where he sings "hooo come back to me~~" I like that one too.

- 444 I like the song so fcking much. I'm humming "I can't understand" every day.

- I like all but...4 is just the best.

- 4. His voice is sweet but the lyrics are insane because it sounds obsessive. I feel like I was possessed.

- 4 no matter what. The partner said she doesn't love him, but he said ~no, your heart says you love me~

- 11114444 the song is good but the lyrics play an important role.

- If only looking at lyrics then 5. I love 'Love Again' so much. 

- 4. Both his tone and the lyrics.

- 111 the intro is insane.

- Not an obsessive crazy male lead but a real heart-warming male lead.

- 146

- 4. I recommend this song. It is my ringtone.

- 4. But if talking about a real obsession, it should be 'R U Ridin' 

- 4444444 but fck I like 7 too.

- 47474747474747

- 3 when he sings 'beautiful lips'. It's really like a crazy male lead.

- 6666 a heartbroken obsessive crazy male know what I mean?

- 4. I listen to this song to listen to this part.

- I can't choose...

- 4... only when I listen to this song, my heart is burning.

- 4... as I can imagine the voice of Seo Yeji, it's fcking insane.

- 4. The more I listen to this song, the better it is. His voice is great.

- Woah look the the number of comments. Everyone is serious about 'Love Again'. I like number 7.



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