Friday, October 9, 2020

[Pann] Does Baekhyun attract new fans again?

Pann: Does Baekhyun attract a lot of fans?

OP: The magazine released in May had 3 covers but there are only 1 cover this time, but the number of magazine sold is larger. Is he attracting more fans?

- He attracts quite many with "Candy". My friend also became his fan with "Candy".

- He attracts a lot of fans with "Candy"

- Even he doesn't attract more fans, he still can sell that many.
> He sells more with 1 cover more than 3 covers, if it isn't that he attracts more fans, what should it be?

[82cook] Baekhyun's physical sales seems great

OP: Is it real that the magazine that was released in May had 3 types of covers, but the sales as a solo this time is higher than that of a group?
That means Baekhyun's fandom is strong, but in which part is he popular?
EXO is probably the first place where Baekhyun gathered his popularity.
But when did since his individual fandom start to grow?
Is he the best at communicating with fans?
I already thought he was charming, but he is really daebak.
I like how successful people communicate with fans, so I'm thinking of going to become his fans. There's only one cover, but there's more sales. Is he attracting new fans again?

- EXO's Chinese fandom is strong though. Baekhyun is a popular member of EXO and his individual fandom is the biggest in EXO. He sells a lot of physical albums.

- In the first place, Baekhyun's fandom is the top one in EXO, but if you look at him, Baekhyun is definitely good to his fans. I'm sure you may wonder why people are buying physical albums/magazine nowadays, but that shows the size of a fandom.



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