Monday, September 7, 2020

[Daum] Baekhyun performers “UN Village” on Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook (MR Removed)

Daum: Baekhyun performers “UN Village” on Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook (MR Removed)

- I like this song so much that I keep listening to it haha

- I especially like his voice in that “Hannam-dong UN Village” part. 

- The song is so good. He sings live so well.

- He sings so well.

- His voice color is so dope and sexy. He sings so well though.

- I hope they won’t put him on a lot of music shows. He is good enough and it’s a shame to put him there only.

- There are many comments talking that he really did a good job. He’s so stable.

- Not related but the lyrics are beautiful. At first, I didn’t listen to other lyrics because of “Hannah-dong UN Village” ... but the lyrics are also beautiful and there is also a story, so I like it.

- Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook definitely has a different charm than the music shows.

- I’m stuck in this song recently. He does so well.  But his MR Removed is clear and good. Does  everyone sound this clean these days? He’s amazing.

- Baekhyun seems to be the member whose singing skills (improved) most obviously compared to the first time (debut)


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