Friday, September 4, 2020

A comment on Baekhyun's vocals from an opera artist

Baekhyun is a typical musician that sounds harmonious and clear even when he sings while running.

Baekhyun's diaphragm is well supported and his sound is well placed (chest, face, and head), so his singing voice is heavy. And Baekhyun does musical expression delicately. 

Baekhyun's voice is flexible. Apart from Pop, Ballad, the genres EXO has done, he has also done Jazz, Club Jazz, and most important Broadway. The method of using head voice is derived from classic singing methods. So, (he) can catch and hold the high notes long with falsetto. 

Baekhyun's falsetto is very well developed. Baekhyun can change the register quickly. Baekhyun has various voice colors. His voice color can be sharp, soft, full, low, and medium. He is be capable of handling dynamics. Baekhyun's head voice is well supported and well developed, so he doesn't make harsh sounds.



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