Thursday, August 20, 2020

[Theqoo/Pann] Baekhyun received praises for his live singing at GMA

Theqoo: GMA(Good Morning America) SuperM '100' Live performance

- Please listen to Baekhyun's live singing as he does so well.

- I listened to Baekhyun's high note and I feel like like my clogged nose got cleared.

- Baekhyun is really so good at live singing.

- Baekhyun really sings so well. His high note is insane.

- Baekhyun's high note is crazy. He's insane.

- Baekhyun's really good at singing live while dancing.


"Baekhyun's live singing seems awesome. I already knew that he does well, but his high note was crazy"

"Woah Baekhyun's live singing was insane. I just watched his live on GMA and isn't it studio version."

"I got shocked when I heard Baekhyun's high note on "100". I listened to his live version, so he did well like a boss"

"Does SuperM sing "100" live? Baekhyun was insane. Wow"



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