Tuesday, June 30, 2020

[Theqoo/Daum/Naver/Weibo] Baekhyun becomes Million Seller with his second album "Delight"


- His song is so good. Trustworthy soloist Baekhyun.

- I'm not a fan but his album this time is so good. I listen to it every day.

- I still enjoy listening to "Candy". I'm not a fan but his choreography concept is so pretty this time that I looked up his stage to watch.

- His album looks like a magazine and sincerely, his song is also really good. Congrats!

- His new album is really very good.

- 1 million copies...wow! I was so surprised that I clicked in. I think I have to listen to his songs for once.

- His album this time is really good.

- Amazing. I'm not a fan but I'm enjoying his new album. Sincerely, all the songs are good.


- Awesome.

- His song is good.

- Congrats Baekhyun-nim.

- Woah congrats. His album quality is really fcking good.

- Wow, the first time since Kim Gunmo? It really hit me when they talk about Kim Gunmo.

- Oh congrats! His album is a masterpiece, isn't it?

- Since Kim Gunmo??? I can't believe it. Woah he is this extent??

- The title mentioned Seo Taiji and the article mentioned since Kim Gunmo, so I wondered what it was. So only Seo Taiji and Baekhyun are million sellers for both group and solo, and he is the first solo artist who sold million copies since Kim Gunmo. I'm afraid some of you are as curious as I am.

- What would it feel like to sell a million by yourself? That's awesome.

- Congrats! I think Baekhyun will do well as a soloist in a long term. First of all, he is talented and he treats fans well.

- Wow, I saw a critic' recommendation yesterday. The album has both public popularity and musical qualities.


SM Entertainment announced on the 1st that Baekhyun sold 1,018,746 copies of his second mini-album released on May 25. This is the largest sales volume of solo albums since Gaon Chart, a Korean music-certified chart, started counting in 2011. If the consumer price of 16,300 won per copy is applied, the total sales amount reached 16.6 billion won.


- It's meaningful not because he is popular, but if you look at the songs in the album with his top-class idol vocals, you can see so well how much he had prepared. I think he is a person and it is a album that deserve to sell 1 million copies.

- Baekhyun is trust to listen though. He is amazing.

- Today, the singer and fans congratulated each other for being amazing!! My singer that expressed that it was possible because I was with him, not himself alone. Thank you. You are cool!!!

- Baekhyun is writing a new history of Korean pop music. I hope you continue to bring good music in the future.

- All the songs even b-side tracks in his album are good though.

- Baekhyun is my pride.

- The record that remains on the history.


- For the first time since Seo Taiji... Baekhyun is a singer who I look forward to his future more.

- As expected Baekhyun is amazing. All the songs in this album are great. He sings really well. I hope he grows up to be a great artist.

- He is really great... I think he has properly established his position as a solo artist and he is the one who is confident about his own style. I hope he continues to do the genres he wants to do. I'll always support you and trust you. Congratulations, Baekhyun-ah ♡

- It is a masterpiece that critics all agree to, and there are even record-breaking results based on a strong fandom... Perfect album in many ways.

- 1 million copies without repackage album. Amazing. Baekhyun is cool.

- It's even hard for groups to surpass 1 million copies, but he did that as a soloist. Daebak.

- Woah 1 million copies as a soloist... I knew Baekhyun is amazing but I didn't know he is to this extent...

- Wow, this is the first time since Seo Taiji?  It's amazing that there is a singer like this these days.

- He is really popular constantly. It is meaningful as he has worked as hard as that for a long time.

WeiboBaekhyun Delight album exceeded 1 million album sales in a month’s time

Overall: +25849

- Just thinking about it made me realize that Baekhyun does well in all aspects. If he does something, he’ll put in his best, he really an all-rounded idol.

- Top (singer) is top (singer)

- Ahhhh I’m so proud.

- Gongxi gongxi million seller solo artist Byun Baekhyun.

- Byun Baekhyun is dope! Thank you fans and muggle friends for buying his album!

- Super powerful.

- It’s the one and only official genius idol Byun Baekhyun!

- I’m crying. Byun Baekhyun deserves it!!!

- Hyunie who reached the top based on his own capabilities.

- This is his capability, it’s unstoppable.

- Just the thought that I contributed to this one million, makes me really happy.

- Byun Baekhyun is so dope!

- Baekhyun must be really happy too, we are proud of you.

- He is really impressive.

- Genius Idol Byun Baekhyun.

- Thank you every single person who supported Byun Baekhyun, we accomplished this result together, gongxi.

- I’m too excited that I’m crying. I’m sorry that I didn’t have enough money, otherwise I would have been able to buy more. Sorry Baekhyun.

- How lucky is SM to have him - a baby who is outstanding in every aspect

- To hear such a good news right when I woke up on the 1st day of the 2nd half of 2020, I was so surprised.

- I have no other words except for dope!

- It only took him a month’s time, Baekhyunie is the best.

- Baekhyun is so awesome, how blessed it is to be his fan.

- Solo million seller in the age of digitalization, Byun Baekhyun is dope.

- I am once again amazed.

- The power of fans.

- As expected of Byun Baekhyun.

- Million sales for a solo, he is so powerful.

- Million sales for a solo is too powerful. Honestly I think he deserves more praise for his singing, he is a rare gem in this era of lip-sync and half open-mic.

- It’s to the extent that even his fans became famous.



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