Thursday, August 8, 2019

[Instiz] Many times Baekhyun makes fans feel touched by remember them with his good memory

Instiz: Baekhyun’s memory is extremely good

- Woah he’s awesome. They have done a lot of fansigns though.

- I want to marry Byun Baekhyun.

- Not a fan but this is the best of the best. How can he remember... really daebak.

- Woah not a fan but his fan-love is amazing. Our idols’ fan-love is also jjang but Baekhyun-nim is an idol to the bone. It’s not that he have met just few fans for all these years. He is really daebak.

- True. Our Baekhyun ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ it also makes me touched how he listens to every single fan talking.

- He was born to be idol.

- It’s destiny that he would still be an idol no matter what.

- A warming heart can be also considered as a strength... he is cool.

- He’s really daebak. How can he remember? And he even remember the conversation content... even when he say he cannot remember, no one would say he doesn’t love fans. But it’s amazing how he still recognizes them despite meeting a lot of people every single year.

- Daebak. But I love his voice when he said “6 times” and I keep listening to it.

- His love for fans is awesome. I’m jealous. I want to go to a fansign and to be remembered too. When will I...



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