Saturday, November 29, 2014

[Fanacc] 141123 Baekhyun - Inkigayo

- As Baekhyun did the EXO-L sign, fans shouted “You'r the best” so Baekhyun said “I really like EXO-L”

- Baekhyun and Suho are peeling the oranges and eating them now.

- Baekhyun followed the rookie girl group’s Balababo dance hehe And he’s eating the oranges

- Baekhyun sitting down, dancing along to Boy’s Republic’s song

-Fans showed Baekhyun and Suho’s names on the phone LED and they laughed like grandfathers

- Baekhyun peeled another orange and gave them to Yoojung and Suho

- Baekhyun was singing along to Yoon Hyunsang’s song.. He knows all the songs..

- Baekhyun dancing along to Lovelyz dance and acting shy kekek So cute!

- Baekhyun went “hingT.T” but when he saw “Baekhyun♡” LED beside me, he did a heartㅠㅠㅠㅠ

- Baekhyun met Jackson & danced the Overdose pelvic dance ㅠㅠ Cute ㅠㅠ

- Baekhyun looks close to GOT7, they keep talking 8ㅅ8

- Baekhyun looked at the fans’ LED one by one and greeted each of themㅠㅠㅠㅠ

- Baekhyun copied Jackson’s tone and raised one feet at the end cause Jackson sad “JYP” prasing his shoe

- As Baekhyun lifted one leg up, he became unstable

- Baekhyun is eating another orange ㅠㅠ Plays interestingly with Kwanghee hyung too

-Yoojung & Baekhyun holding jelly(?), looked at it cutely and laughed ㅠㅠ

- Baekhyun looking at GOT7’s stage very seriously

- After the ment ended Baekhyun danced & sang along to HISUHYUN’s stage so Suho asked him to come down

- Baekhyun ahhㅠㅠ What is that unknown danceㅠㅠ catches HISUHYUN dance too!

- What are you eating non-stop (Baek)Hyun-ahㅜㅜ So cuteㅜㅜ

- Kyuhyun did a hand heart when Suho and baekhyun appeared, then Suho did a heart on his head keke

- When leaving, Suho looked at all LEDs one by one and kept laughing, then whispered to Baekhyun

-After listening to Suho, Baekhyun looked at the LEDs ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

- As Kyuhyun didnt win #1, Baekhyun hugged Kyuhyun tightly & said “What about hyung~~” then Kyuhyun winkedㅠㅠㅠ

- I keep thinking about it: At Crazy Baekhyun’s dance, Suho “ Hey come down Idiot!” Idiot was mouthedㅠㅁㅠ

- Baekhyun and Junmen as well as Yoojung on stage, greeting the audience

- Baekhyun has a beret on his head. The fans kept on screaming “your hat is cute” and he waved at the fans, smiling.

- The fan kept on shouting your hat is cute, i’m telling you your hat is cute so Baekhyun touched his hat

- Baekhyun keeps on dancing. He also kept on tap dancing a bit earlier. lol

- Baekhyun is just dancing along to the everyone to party needs to move your body part(is that the lyrics) so cuteTT

- Baekhyun was singing along to ALi’s 펑펑 just now.

- Baekhyun and Kwanghee did the crab dance part in lovelyz’s candy jelly love.

- Even Junmen danced a bit to Candy Jelly Love. Baekhyun seemed to really like the crab dance part he kept dancing to that part.

- Baekhyun’s talking to some of the GOT7 members.

- Lol i don’t know a lot of the got7’s members’ names. I know Baekhyun was talking to Jackson. He was talking to three, including Jackson.

- Okay; earlier Baekhyun was talking to Jackson, Mark as well as the dude that sort of looks like hyunsik. I don’t know his name OTL

- Baekhyun is dancing to 나는달라

- Even earlier, when Junmen was introducing the number one contenders, Baekhyun was shaking his body to 나는달라

- Baekhyun even knows Bobby’s rap. He’s now watching the monitor and singing along.

- Baekhyun is also singing along to 광화문에서~ (Kwanghwamun)

cre info: soofle_, bonnyi, justbaek
cre cap: Autumn_Days9exo


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